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Contact Christine

Christine's Official Bio

The exceptional, impossible-to-miss results she consistently delivers are rooted in her diverse, twenty-five-year background. Christine started her working life as a front line community mental health worker, advancing to Acting Vice President of Human Resources and Organizational Development at Canada’s largest teaching and research mental health facility. She has held senior positions in HR and OD, facilitated, taught, coached and led clients and families, community members, volunteers, employees and executives across various public and private sectors.

As a commitment to her leadership passion, Christine runs the Millennial Crusade, a pro bono, year long program to address the leadership gap for Gen Ys moving up faster than any other generation in the workplace. This grassroots movement supports over 200 members, including rising all stars at North America’s largest companies.

Christine holds a Master’s Degree in Human Resource Management and a BA in Psychology from York University. She is a Certified Professional Coach from the College of Executive Coaches in the US, is a certified mBIT coach (multiple brain integration techniques) and has completed certifications in various assessment tools.

To connect with Christine, you can contact her by email at [email protected] or connect with her via Linkedin.

About Christine

The founder of Starlingbrook Leadership and a top tier leadership consultant and executive coach. She enables leaders to create collaborative, productive and mentally healthy workplaces.

Christine has helped more than 8,000 senior leaders get past their blind spots, improve mental resilience and grow their leadership presence in the best possible ways.

Discover more about Christine

Initiatives & Media Opportunities

House of Hope - Ukraine

Our fundraising initiatives continues. What started as the Teddy Bear & Shelter Campaign is now the House of Hope. During the spring, volunteers were busy transforming this former bakery into apartments for displaced Ukrainians staying in Auschwitz, Poland.

Now that we have families safely living at House of Hope, the next segment of our efforts is to support the daily physical and psychological needs of those refugees.

Discover how you can help

Unleash Her

aims to teach women to allow healing, love, forgiveness, self-care, gratitude, hope, and healthy habits to flow into their lives through stories of fellow women who have experienced & worked through these same limiting beliefs.

Discover Unleash Her

Have an opportunity to share with Christine?

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