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Prosilience #31: The Resilience of Teams

leadership resilience Jan 20, 2025

Prosilience #31: The Resilience of Teams by Linda Hoopes

Combining our shared strengths to take on larger challenges

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Defining Team Resilience

We often think of resilience at the individual level, focusing our attention on how each person finds their way through the twists and turns of life. Because teams—groups of people working together toward shared goals—also encounter challenges, we can envision them demonstrating resilience as well.1 And because people who collaborate have the potential to leverage their combined strengths, teams are often able to confront—and even voluntarily pursue—challenges that are particularly thorny, meaningful, and important; larger than any one person could handle alone.

Think of the different groups/teams you are part of—at work, in your family, in sports, music, volunteer activities, and other settings. Can you identify situations where each of these groups faces (or voluntarily chooses)...

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Zoom Exhaustion is Real - A Post by Mindful.org

covid covid19 leadership Sep 23, 2020

Zoom Exhaustion is real, and in this article by Steve Hickman, Psy.D, and executive director of the Center for Mindful Self-Compassion, we learn 6 ways to stay connected in this time of disconnect.

Take some time before your calls to ground yourself, greet those in the room, and resist the urge to pick up your phone and multitask.


You can read the full article here: https://www.mindful.org/zoom-exhaustion-is-real-here-are-six-ways-to-find-balance-and-stay-connected/


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Worried About Giving Impactful Feedback? Here’s how it’s hurting your business.

Imagine, you check your email to see a message from your boss. It reads; “Hey, do you have time today to chat? I have some feedback to give and things I want to talk to you about.” 

What’s your first reaction?

I can bet it’s along the lines of, “Oh no. Something must be wrong. I must have done something wrong.”

Feedback. Why is it when we approach the subject of feedback, whether it be from a leader’s or employee’s perspective, that it brings us so much stress and anxiety?

Well, the answer goes deeper than you think.

Neurologically, we as human beings have been hardwired to minimize danger and threat from the beginning. It’s what’s allowed us to survive as a species. Within the limbic system of our brain, the amygdala, the one in charge of regulating our emotions, is what kicks in when our body receives a possible threat. When exposed to possible threats, your body stops thinking and starts reacting. Your...

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7 Ways Leaders Can Champion Their Team’s Mental Health In A Virtual World

Today, employees and employers, the world over, are learning, to many a surprise, that working from home can be just as mutually beneficial, as working from the confines of office cubicles. Several might wager that remote work has exponentially increased their levels of productivity and personal accountability.

On the flip side, COVID-19 has mandated stay at home rules that can make remote working conditions extremely isolating for employees, especially when work and personal/family demands are bleeding into each other. Boundaries of work have become blurry.

If you’re a leader who was used to walking through the halls of your organization or your manufacturing plant where you'd see people on a regular basis, or you’d have morning huddles or discussions, this world of remote work has been challenging for you. The challenge comes from the inability to see your team daily, or just feel connected to what people are working on. A big piece of that challenge is also being able...

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